Monday, August 24, 2009

UTB/TSC Journal Seeks Submissions

The Journal for South Texas English Studies, a blind-peer-reviewed publication, is seeking submissions for its inaugural edition, which has been aptly themed “New Beginnings.” The first edition will be published online on December 1, 2009. New beginnings occur when anything new is attempted, when one literary period changes to another, when an author pens a coming-of-age novel, when technology profoundly changes culture, when a new literary theory is debuted, when a new literary technique is attempted, when new theories emerge, and when communities are threatened by new challenges. As you can see, this is an open-ended theme. Papers not connected to the theme will be considered, but those that follow the theme have the best chance to be published.
Scholarly papers can include topics in literature written in English, rhetoric and composition, and literary theory. The biannual journal, which is a collaboration between University of Texas at Brownsville graduate English students and the UTB English Department, also accepts book reviews and a small quantity of poetry and creative prose.
Scholarly papers should not exceed 8,000 words. There is no limit to the number of poems that may be submitted, but the total number of lines cannot exceed 100. We accept short fiction up to 1,500 words, flash fiction up to 800 words, and creative non-fiction up to 2,000 words. Please make inquires to book editor Jenny Ashley if you wish to submit a book review at If you have any other questions or wish to make a submission (as a Microsoft Word attachment), please e-mail editor Andrew Keese at For more information and for submission guidelines, please visit the journal’s website at

Deadline for submissions: September 30, 2009

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