Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Some Student Life News

Dear EGADS! Members,

I wanted to advise you that I have turned in to Student Life the appropriate documents for official organization status. I was advised by Ms. Ana B. Perez, the Student Development Specialist, that being an official organization gives us some good benefits.

1) we are eligible to accumulate organization award points throughout the year/semesters toward organizational awards at the end of each year - I've linked the form from the Student Life web site to give you a sense of how points can be accumulated (for lots of activities, including organization meetings and turning in the proper paperwork):

2) we are allowed 7 fundraising on campus events per semester - must submit the on-campus activity forms

3) we are elibigle to apply for funds from the Student Government Association for traveling to conferences - see this form here:

4) we are eligible to use the Student Union facilities for society events - there are some restrictions and limitations, but it's worth looking into for workshops

Here's a link to Student Life's Benefits of a Registered Organization flyer for all the details:

And, finally, a link to the Student Life Organization Resources page for all the details and forms the Society may need:

As Ms. Perez told me when I talked to her personally - welcome to the "club"!

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